Category Archives: Awesome Mashups

When Bette Davis Met Divine

For his follow-up to his viral smash mash-up “The Golden Age of Video,” Ricardo Autobahn allowed the kibitzing of this site’s Charlie Mason, whose obsession with femmes fatales is as well known as Margo Channing’s fondness for martinis.


The result is “The Golden Age of Bad Girls,” which is almost certainly the only song you’ll hear today that features the vocal stylings of actresses ranging from Taylor Swift to Kim Richards and from Molly Ringwald to Maggie Smith. If you’d like to do the math, take Autobahn’s “Golden Age of Video” (edited by the indefatigable Rev. Diva Schematic)…

… add to it Charlie’s vixen addiction, as exhibited in his own tribute video…


… and you wind up with “The Golden Age of Bad Girls”:


How many of the flicks and their oh-do-devilish divas can you name? List them in the comment section below! Ready? Set… GO!

Home Depot: The Musical


If there’s one thing every single advertisement sets out to do, it’s get — and keep — your attention. And that’s not easy. After all, we’re a people with short attention spans. Also, it’s an ad. A commercial. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Unless, perhaps, it’s this fun musical mashup in which a trio of happy Home Depot employees sing Disney tunes rewritten to reflect everything from flooring to paint chips. The result is so ridiculously entertaining that you might well find yourself sitting through the entire thing… despite it running nearly eight minutes. Stranger still, you might find yourself — like us — compelled to share it.

This Ain’t Your Grandma’s Mary Poppins!

We live in a world where pretty much anything and everything more than 10 years old gets remade. And while nobody has actually decided to remake the beloved children’s movie Mary Poppins, this makes it sort of easy to imagine how easily the flick could be taken in a different direction for a whole new generation of viewers!