Well, it was probably only a matter of time.
A while back, Walt Disney World introduced Magic Bands, a piece of technology which completely changed the game for park visitors. In essence, the high-tech bracelet allows guests to do everything from accessing their hotel rooms to paying for souvenirs.
But at least one woman says that the company has taken this whole thing a step too far.

According to the West Virginia Record, Julie Lynne Hooker is suing the House of Mouse for having implanted her with a rubber chip. Not only that, but she apparently has an inside source who is willing to blow the whistle on the “d-chip” plot, which we can only assume is part of Disney’s Pinky & The Brain style attempt at world domination!
The paper reports that Hooker “is seeking monetary damages and for the chip to be removed from her body.”
This probably will not come as a surprise to anyone, but Hooker is representing herself. Rest assured, we’ll be keeping an eye on this story, so file it under “awesome updates to come.”